Malaysian Rubber Board (MRB)
Established on 1 January 1998, it has under its fold three well established agencies (RRIM, MRRDB and MRELB), which are now merged into one, which have contributed significantly to the development of the rubber industry.
Contact Details:
Address: Malaysian Rubber Board, 18th Floor, Bangunan Getah Asli (Menara), 148 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +603 9206 2000
Fax: +603 2163 4492
Email: general@lgm.gov.my
Website: https://www.lgm.gov.my/
Year of Establishment: 1998
Nature of Organization: Government body functioning at the national level under Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Government of Malaysia
Key Function(s):
To implement policies and developmental programmes to ensure the viability of the rubber industry of Malaysia;
To promote and implement research and development activities in the production, use and consumption of rubber;
To regulate the rubber industry, in particular in relation to dealings in rubber, packing, grading, shipping and export of rubber;
To provide technical, advisory and consultancy services to the rubber industry;
To regulate the Malaysian rubber market and manage the Malaysian Rubber Exchange;
To plan and implement human resource training in line with the needs of the rubber industry;
Malaysian Rubber Technology Developments
Journal of Rubber Research
Malaysian Rubber Review
Malaysian Rubber Digest
Rubber News
SMG Scheme- Technical Requirements for Standard Malaysian Glove
Milestones in Rubber Research
MRB Monographs (on specific topics)
SMG Publications
Buletin Sains & Teknologi
Proceedings of Seminars/Workshops