Rubber, Chemical & Petrochemical Skill Development Council (RCPSDC)
Contact Details:
Address: 217,2nd Floor, Rectangle One, Saket District Centre, New Delhi – 110 017.Tel: +91-11-41009347/ 91-11-41009348Fax : +91-11-41004899Email : info@rsdcindia.in / shewani.nagpal@rsdcindia.inWebsite : www.rsdcindia.inContact person : Ms. Shewani Nagpal, COOYear of Establishment : 2012Nature of Organization : An organization set up to promote skill development in rubber, petrochemical & chemical sectors, under the aegis of National Skill Development Corporation.Key Function(s):
To provide skilled manpower to meet the requirement of the industry in coming years
To offer students tailor-made courses that satisfy the industry’s need for technical professionals
To frame certifications & accreditations for short & midterm courses in various trades of rubber industry both for new people joining industry and for upgrading skill level of existing employees
Rubber Skills Time Magazine