Rubber Research Institute of Vietnam (RRIV)
Contact Details:
Address: Director, Rubber Research Institute of Vietnam, 236 Bis, Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street, Ward 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Tel : +8483 9326 312 / 8483 9326 313
Fax: +8483 9326 314
Email: rriv@rriv.org.vn
Website: www.rriv.org.vn
Year of Establishment: 1941
Nature of Organization: Government body
Key Function(s):
Research on synchronic agricultural techniques (clones, planting methods, upkeeping, harvesting, crop protection…), gene pool conservation
Research on natural rubber quality control
Research on rubber technology, environment, wastewater treatment
Providing information on advanced scientific technology
Transfer of technology:
a) Consulting, training of agricultural techniques, Natural rubber quality management, treating wastewater…
b) Conformity inspection on clones, propagating and providing first grade clones…
c) Soil survey and classification to identify suitable land for rubber trees.
d) Producing and processing latex stimulant, crop protection products, materials, chemicals for rubber trees.
e) Manufacturing and processing technical and others rubber products.
f) Maintaining, repairing machines for testing natural rubber quality.
g) Transferring technological copyright after research: clones, cultivation techniques, processing natural rubber, treating wastewater…
Natural Rubber Scientific and Technological Newsletter (bimonthly, Vietnamese)