Yunnan Province Institute for Scientific Research on Tropical Agriculture
Contact Details:
Address: Yunnan Province Institute for Scientific Research on Tropical Agriculture, No.99, Xuanwei Street, Jinghong City, Yunnan Province, 666100
Tel: +8669 1212 2176
Fax: +8669 1212 2176
Year of Establishment: 1953
Nature of Organization: Government body functioning under Yunnan Province Government and operating in Yunnan Province
Key Function(s):
Developing appropriate technology for:
Improving soil conditions based on nutrient diagnosis.
Developing special compound fertilizers.
Developing latex-timber and chill-resistant rubber clones suitable for the climate in the Province.
Controlling pests and diseases
Developing improved tapping methods.
Processing of raw rubber and developing new products from NR.
Facilitating technology transfer by demonstration.
Tropical Agricultural Science & Technology