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Myanmar exports over 62,000 tonnes of natural rubber in Q1

Myanmar exports over 62,000 tonnes of natural rubber in Q1

YANGON: Myanmar exported over 62,000 tonnes of natural rubber, earning over US$87 million in the first quarter of the current fiscal year 2024-2025, the state-run media the Global New Light of Myanmar reported on Monday (Aug 5).

The country aims to export over 300,000 tonnes of rubber in the current fiscal year, the report said.

Seventy per cent of Myanmar's rubber is exported to China, with the rest going to Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Republic of Korea, India, Japan, and other countries, it added.

Rubber is mainly produced in Mon and Kayin states, as well as Taninthayi, Bago, and Yangon regions, it said.

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