Rubber Research Institute of India (RRII)
Contact Details:
Address: Rubber Board P.O., Kottayam -9
Tel : +91-481-2353311-20 (10 Lines)
Mob: +94-477-19323
Fax : +91-481-2353327
Email : /
Website :
Contact person : Dr. Jessy M D,, Director (Research)
Year of Establishment: 1955
Nature of Organization: Research Institute functioning under Rubber Board at the national level under Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India.
The RRII, established in 1955, is located on a hillock in the eastern suburb of Kottayam, eight kilometres from the town. There are nine research disciplines, seven Regional Research Stations, two Hevea Breeding Sub-stations and a Central Experimental Station attached to the RRII.
Key Function(s):
Undertaking “agronomic, technological and economic research” as per Section 8 of the Rubber Act 1947
To take up appropriate fundamental and applied research for increasing land productivity, reducing cost of production and ensuring self-sufficiency in domestic NR production in an economically viable and ecologically sustainable manner.
To identify new cultivable lands in sub-optimal and hitherto non-traditional areas and develop region-specific clones and farm practices for expanding NR cultivation without interfering with the local food security and biodiversity.
To monitor climate change, assess its impact on NR cultivation and develop climate-resilient clones and farm practices.
To provide active R&D support for the rubber-products manufacturing sector for developing new products with the aim of substituting their import and promoting export of value added rubber products from the country.
Special functions:
Genetic enhancement of NR through conventional and molecular breeding for developing ideal clones of NR suitable for cultivation in the traditional and non-traditional regions.
Decode the genetic code (whole genome sequencing) of NR, identify genes of agronomic value and elucidate the molecular mechanisms behind rubber production, adaptation to different agro-climatic stresses, tolerance to pests and diseases etc. and develop genetically modified rubber plants.
Develop sustainable rubber-based farming systems, including good agricultural practices to sustain long-term productivity of soil, cost effective latex harvesting techniques and processing methods appropriate to different agro-climatic regions.
Develop geo-informatics and ICT-based decision support and management tools for aiding extension work and policy decisions in the NR sector.
Develop effective and eco-friendly plant protection practices.
Assess the impact of climate change on growth and productivity of NR.
Evaluate the eco-restoration potential, carbon sequestration capacity and other green credentials of NR.
Assess the socio-economic impact of the entire spectrum of Indian NR sector, farm operations, processing of NR, rubber-goods manufacturing, marketing/trade issues, including export-import policies and effectiveness of the periodic interventions by Rubber Board.
Develop effective and energy-efficient technologies for primary processing of latex and dry rubber that are eco-friendly and labour-friendly.
Take up specific projects with the industry and public sector entities for developing specific high value rubber products in niche areas of applications such as space, defence, construction sectors etc. by strengthening research in polymer science and rubber technology.
Establish an automobile tyre testing and research centre for developing new tyre technologies, providing testing services to the tyre industry and increasing revenue.
Provide technical service to the non-tyre SME rubber-goods manufacturing industry through online products bank, technical consultancy, establishing a rubber museum etc.
Capacity building of scientific and technical personnel through linkages with national and international centers of excellence.
Rubber Science (Quarterly research journal)
Handbook of NR production
Several research publications on topics covering cultivation, processing and enduses of NR and other elastomers.