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The United Planters' Association of Southern India (UPASI)

Contact Details:

Address: Glenview, Coonoor- 643 101, Nilgiris District, Tamil Nadu

Tel: +91-423-2230270

Fax: +91-423-2232030



Contact person: Mr.R. Sanjith, Secretary

Year of Establishment : 1893

Nature of Organization: Non-government body of planters operating in South India

Key Function(s):

  • Undertaking scientific research on all aspects of plantation crops

  • Disseminating technical know-how on cultivation and processing of plantation crops

  • Representing issues concerning plantation crops before policy makers and authorities

  • Settling dispute in plantation sector


  • Planters' Chronicle

Other(s):127 year old apex organization of Tea, Coffee, Rubber, Cardamom and Pepper Plantations in the Southern States’ of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.  Area of operations covers production, exports, scientific research in tea, marketing policies, industrial relations and employee development, public relations etc.


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