8 Mar 2024
The Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries (ANRPC) releases the Monthly NR Statistical Report, January & February 2024 (combined issues).
I am delighted to present to you the insights on the world natural rubber (NR) market for the first two months of 2024. Throughout this period, we have witnessed a notable improvement in NR market sentiments, despite ongoing concerns surrounding global economic growth. While this shift is indeed positive, it is important to note that it remains subject to various uncertainties within the global landscape.
This positive change in market sentiment can largely be attributed to the unexpectedly tight supply of rubber, as many NR-producing countries enter the seasonal leaf fall period. The impact of factors such as Pestalotiopsis or Circular Leaf Fall Disease and adverse climate conditions have also exacerbated the supply challenges, compounded by the reluctance of rubber smallholders to harvest the trees due to protracted low rubber prices. This issue persists amidst the growing emphasis on sustainability within the NR industry, with the voices of smallholders often going unheard. As a result, these supply-side dynamics have significantly contributed to the overall improvement in sentiment.
Below, you will find a snapshot of the outlook for the world NR market for the first two months of 2024:
Fig 1: Accumulated World Production and Consumption of NR during the first two months of 2023 & 2024

Fig 2: Average Daily FOB prices across key markets ($/kg)

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Thank you.
TOH, Heng Guan